Creating a Wealthy Mindset

25 03 2010

We know that financial abundance can bring freedom, security, peace of mind and happiness

Yet despite our yearning for more, we have many hidden limiting beliefs about money that may be stopping money coming to us!

Just for a moment close your eyes and think of winning the lottery.

Now I’m sure after the initial wow and ‘I’ll buy this, that and the other’ you’ve started to think of all the people who may want it from you, and others who will be envious.

You may think of who to tell and who not to tell – and why. You may feel you might not be safe from criticism from people for having more than them.

You may start to feel guilty about it and dream of giving some of it away.

By the end of it all you may think you’re better off as you are and proclaim: “Well, it can’t buy happiness”.

(That’s another limiting belief, by the way, that will stop money getting to you – or, when you do start making the money, will sabotage it because you know the money won’t make you happy anyway!)

It’s poverty mentality.

This comprises the limiting beliefs we have learnt from around us, most often from our parents.

If you heard any of the following as you were growing up. you may be running what’s called a poverty mentality that could be keeping success and abundance from you:

“Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know!”

“We can’t afford it.”

“Who do you think I am, the Bank of England?”

“They’re filthy rich!”

“There are hungry people all over the world.”

“You’re lucky to have this. You should be grateful!”

All these messages can make you feel guilty about being better off than others. They reside hidden and silent inside you but affect your behaviour, actions and feelings in subtle ways.

Whatever you believe in your unconscious will be created.

If you look at an ideal job but start to panic when you see the huge salary, there are hidden beliefs about money and your worth that may even stop you applying for the post.

So here’s how to increase your prosperity consciousness.

1. Become aware of what messages about money you may have received from parents.

2. When you get a negative thought such as “Who do I think I am, thinking I can get that post?” in your head, tell it to shut up and go away.

3. Remember, positive thoughts will make you feel happy. Happiness will make you feel motivated and energised – and more able to succeed.

4. Concentrate on, be grateful for, and enjoy what you have rather than moaning about what you don’t have.

5. Feel ‘rich’. Take pride in yourself, wear clean clothes, eat well, make the best of what you have rather than waiting for how you can be when you are rich.

6. Look at rich, happy and prosperous people. Rather than feeling angry or envious, think: ‘I can do that’ and imagine yourself being like them.

7. Whatever you focus your attention on, you will attract – so think about money and wealth coming into your life rather than focusing on the credit card debts.

8. Take control of your money. Consolidate your accounts, set up a debt repayment scheme, sell your unwanted books and clothes at a car boot sale to generate more money and concentrate fully on creating success in your life.

10. Find ways of feeling happy, even though you may be in debt, struggling or single etc by making quality time and nurturing the friendships in your life

The moral of the story? Rich or wealthy people are no more clever than the rest of us.

All they have done is to have clear and passionate goals. All their focus is on wealth and success, no matter what setbacks they experience.